Friday, June 17, 2016

MW/School for Modular-Finance™...

1- Complexity Science
2- Design Thinking
3- System Thinking
4- Orgel's Rules

Wednesday, April 6, 2016

What makes Finance different... (and Modular)...

The issue at the heart of all the explanations of boom-bust cycles just described is the unpredictability of the future. This is what makes finance different - and more unstable - than other economic activities. The primary purpose of any financial system is to link decisions made today with events many years or even decades ahead. Savers, investors, and businesses must resolve here and now how much to save

Tuesday, April 5, 2016

MF3D™ - A Game of Three-Dimensional Chess

"You learn from the past - you live in the present, and you hope for the future"

~ Albert Einstein

Sunday, April 3, 2016

Economics and Business - The Last Bastions of Modernism

"I think they are the last bastions of the idea that you can change the world in accordance with a rationally designed blueprint. Modernism in the twentieth century went through areas such as art, architecture and the humanities with the idea that we could rethink everything from the ground up and that we understood enough about the world to do that. I've come to believe that we don't . But people still think that they can analyse and structure economies as if they were a mechanical system and that they can do the same in business. So in the same way that Le Corbusier said - wrongly - that a house is a machine for living in, it exemplifies the idea that a business or an economy can be structured from first principles in the same way.

They are organic entities that evolve over time and operate within a social context. You can't look at them independently of that.

You can't understand how the financial crisis came about without understanding the politics of the relationship between the financial sector and government and the anthropology of the cultures of the organizations, or indeed without appreciating the history of bubbles and financial crisis.

Hat Tip ~ John Kay ( British Economist) on Economics in the Real World, Five Books

Monday, February 1, 2016


"There isn't a single story. The way we understand economics and economies is by learning from lots of sources and thinking about them in lots of different ways."

The development of firms and economies is fundamentally an evolutionary process that has the characteristics that evolutionary natural selection has of adaption, replication and selection. All of these are characteristics of the way economies and businesses evolve. That doesn't mean you do what some people have done and try quite literally to translate mathematical models developed to describe biological evolutionary processes into economic terms, but it does mean that kind of thinking and kind of mathematics is as relevant to economics as it is to biology.

Hat Tip ~ John Kay, Economist